as building IoT 2024 – Die Softwareentwicklerkonferenz zu Internet of Things und Industrial Internet of Things

Opening Doors with JSON Web Tokens

Let's connect our front door to the internet! What could possibly go wrong? Securing IoT is hard, and the last thing we want to do is let some stranger in!
Let's take a step back and consider other ways of securing that door, and granting access remotely. Can we do this without connecting your door to the internet? Can we adhere to common protocols and data formats throughout?
In this talk, you will learn how:
- JSON Web Tokens can be used to transmit credentials to an air-gapped device;
- to allow someone to grant remote access;
- to apply this theory to other IoT devices; and
- this theory can help even in IoT devices that need direct internet access.
The talk includes a live door demo.


- No special previous knowledge necessary


- To think about how we secure IoT devices
- To understand authentication flows, and which to choose for what purpose.



Ben Dechrai
Ben Dechrai is a technologist with a strong focus on security and privacy. At 11 years old he wrote software to stop his parents from breaking the family PC, and now he works as a developer advocate for Auth0. He enjoys helping developers find the joy of problem solving and experimentation.


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